Dynamic Sales Content

Brennan Sales Institute
Brennan Sales Institute

New Website & Marketing Campaign

Brennan Sales Institute is a leading provider of advanced sales training skills, strategy seminars and training systems. For over 35 years, BSI has worked successfully with management and sales professionals worldwide from mid-sized to Fortune 500 firms to reach their goals. BSI is under the direction of Charles D. Brennan, Jr., award-winning author, trainer and key-note speaker.


Build on BSI’s success as a leader in customized training programs, increasing exposure and generating leads for speaking engagements and virtual engagement. Provide online e-commerce for BSI’s training programs.


Create a new, dynamic and content rich website featuring the full breadth of BSI offerings including an e-commerce store to see BSI training programs direct. Develop a multi-channel communication program including content development for LinkedIn and execution of email campaigns. 


  • New Website
  • Ecommerce store
  • Communications Program
  • LinkedIn Publishing